For metal and all of its reflections, there is a fine line between clean and uncanny. By combining multiple images together and perfecting shadows and highlights, I’ll ensure that those golds, silvers, and gemstones shine their best.
Food and drinks need a different kind of attention. Making sure colours pop and a dish is at its freshest is the key to a delicious image. If it’s your restaurant’s menu, a magazine story that needs consistent colour, or packaging that has multiple flavours, I’ll perfect every detail.
In the world of online shopping, the quality of your images can make or break the sale. I offer high quality, clean cutout for product, makeup swatches, off-figure fashion and on-figure fashion. Whether you need it on a white background, your brand shade, or with natural shadows.
You could use a digi tech
Does technology fight your every move? Tired of sorting through images after the shoot? Learned your lesson about backing up the hard way? As digital technician on your next set, I’ll take care of tethering to Capture One Pro and external monitors, organizing your files, checking focus or misfires while you shoot, and any other digital or connectivity needs. You can focus on shooting and leave the technology to me.